"G" Date (1935) Mauser S/42 Baltic Sea Nazi Navy Archived

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This is a "G" Date (1935) Chamber dated Mauser Code S/42 Baltic Sea Nazi Navy. Truly a collector's find! There is the Mauser Code S/42 on the first toggle link with a "V" notch rear sight.  The last two digits of the serial number appear on all the small parts including the thumb safety.  This was early in the war and the finish and craftsmanship was outstanding. It has the very early Marinen Navy proof and the Nazi Baltic Sea markings on the grip strap.  This is a full rig with two matching magazines.   (1147)

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This Parabellum is 9mm with a 4" (100mm) barrel that is proofed and serial numbered to the gun.  Serial number placement is in the military ("exposed") style. The thumb safety is marked "Gesichert" and extractor "Geladen."  This example has all matching numbers.

These Lugers were manufactured by Mauser-Werke in Oberndorf.  The S/42 code was being instituted in 1934  K-Date and these two early years of the National Socialist Government the Letter-Code was used in an attempt to circumvent the Allied Commission from the Treaty of Versailles. This is a very early "G" Date as the production proofing was in old style proofs before the implementation of the Eagle 63 for Mauser.


Germany signed the Armistice with the Allies on 11 November 1918. Article XXI of this ordered the surrender of all German U-Boats, over 200 were handed over, mostly within the next two weeks.  Article XXIII involved the handing over and internment in Allied or neutral ports of seventy-four named warships, their fate to be determined by the peace negotiations.

Rear-Admiral Ludwig von Reuter commanded the Imperial Fleet to Scapa Flow followed by the British and American Squadrons while the fate of the German Navy was decided by the Treaty of Versailles.  Rather than surrender the fleet it was ordered scuttled on June 21st, 1919 with 400,000 tons of warships going to the bottom.  This infuriated the German sailors and the post reflects the raising of the Nazi Navy from the scrap of the Imperial Navy of Scapa Flow.



The holster, while undated is a well worn "K"-Date 1934 style that has obviously seen the naval combat as it was originally assigned to another weapon below. Note the early proof showing on the loading tool (included).

These early Parabellum were given a holster during 1934-5 that included an interior attachment for the loading tool and cleaning with sometimes a single or double flap. The cleaning rod pouch was discontinued in 1935 production holsters which makes these early holsters so rare.

The Early Proofs after the Ö37 was the B90 and S91 with the early military acceptance. The B90 also appears on the barrel (left) with the military acceptance (right).


 In 1934 Mauser got it's first Military P-08 contract from the German Government. So was born the first military Mauser Luger, the "K" date of which it was estimated 10,900 were made. These were the 1934 production designation "K". 300 were pulled for the German Navy and so marked with the Eagle M.

Beginning in 1935 Mauser began by marking the guns with the "G".  From the "G" series beginning approximately with 931a to 5000f, (in blocks of 10,000) for approximately 54,700 guns, 700 were pulled out for the German Kriegsmarine and so marked.


This Luger is unit marked with the O. (Ost) or East Sea as the Baltic Sea was named. It served on the "eastern front" more than like against the Soviet Navy.

The Kriegsmarine was the name of the German Navy between 1935 and 1945, superseding the Reich marine, and the Kaiserliche Marine of World War I. The Kriegsmarine was one of three official branches of the Wehrmacht. The Navy was based from the Northern ports Wilhelmshaven and the Baltic (Ost-East) Sea from Kiel.  The Baltic Sea was used for extensive internal transport and the sea lanes required protection from the Soviet Bolsheviks.

The Serial number and the last two digits of the serial number (13) appear on most all the small parts making this a very unusual Luger an all matching very early G-Date variation that went to the German Navy.  Still reports in Third Reich Lugers that the Kriegsmarine received only 700 Lugers with the Naval markings on the grip straps while the K-Date date naval proof was on the side plate. The very early G-Dates also display in this location as above.
1935 "G"-Date was a Luger in transition with at least 15 variations of proofs and stamps to evolve into a standardization in the 1936 S/42 model. A collector could spend a career just getting an example of each of the K or G Date variations.


Featuring a 100mm (4" barrel) and with the absence of the Mauser manufactured 2mm "hump" at the rear of the frame this is "G" Date.  This Luger is minty inside and is a truly beautiful top rate gun rare Parabellum for the collector.

The rear axel pin has been numbered in accordance with the 1933 order to prevent the armorers from interchanging the pins.  Some times in full recoil with the hot loads the Luger fired the pin would extend beyond the frame and be chipped.  Mauser later solved this by putting a hump on the "ears" at the rear of the frame now referred to as the Mauser "hump".

B Serial number placement is in the military ("exposed") style.   The serial number appears on the front of the frame, on the side of the locking bolt, on the trigger, on the bottom of the barrel, the side plate,  the left side of the receiver, the safety bar, the sear bar, the rear connecting pin, and on the extractor.

Above Left is the matching magazine with the Eagle 63 Proof; the barrel has matching numbers and gauge markings are seen. It is entirely subjective to give any Luger a rating of excellent or fine, just as it is to declare it xx% blued or strawed. Few Lugers are out of the box new and these are premium priced. Bluing percentages is like Beauty, in the eye of the beholder.  


The "G" Date is a seldom seen Luger variation in this extraordinarily fine condition. Add to the rarity of a "G" Date the fact it is Nazi Navy marked and you have and extraordinary find for the Navy collector. This is an all-mating "G" Date Kriegsmarine Parabellum with two matching magazines, a period Naval marked holster, proofed loading tool, and a cleaning rod.  For more pictures or information email josef@phoenixinvestmentarms.com  

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